Saturday 22nd September 2018
#CelebratingCSUK in Devon rained, then it rained a bit more, then it fooled us and looked like it might stop and then the heavens opened...
Did we care (well yes we did a little bit) but we still had a fabulous time: we put names to faces, we laughed, we talked (lots), we swapped tips and ideas, we admired so many amazing arts and crafts, we ate the most stunning food, we spent and received monies, several businesses took on new clients, DASH (Devon Smallholders) increased its subscription numbers and of course we all met, in glorious technicolour 'real life', the infamous Mavis Davis and Jess (tpsid). ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Katherine Lockett-Clark for all her design and marketing work and who, along with Nick Lockett-Clark sorted out the raffle and collected the prizes, as well as provided general moral support, ideas and late night messaging: 'it will be fine Jack' Jacqui Pateman-Jones for manning(womanning) the CSUK tent, selling drinks, raffle tickets and bags and remaining thoroughly cheerful (and dry) throughout. All our fabulous stallholders for the effort and dedication in turning up, setting up and putting on such an amazing range of stalls and goods: Katherine Lockett-Clark, Nick Lockett-Clark, Gwenda Jones, James Miller, Laine Shoeless Shep Shepherd, Stephen Shepherd, John Caunter, Paul and Tess Wright, Lisa Twyman, Paul McEvoy (and thanks for the use of his photos here), Zena Tett, Brenda Bee Leonard, Phil Leonard, Steve Smallcombe and Sandra Reynolds. And to Jane Vertenten, who in the most amazingly generous way presented me with five plaques to put on our gates in memory of Yeti - the dog we lost on Wednesday - and our previous four canine companions: Rabbit, Lobster, Pheasant and Newtpole.... cue more tears. And a huge thank you to all of you who came and made the afternoon the success it was. It really was great to meet so many of you and I loved doing the Farm Walk - (was so proud of my cows standing in a row for us, all happily chewing the cud). And an even more HUGE thank you for parking in the layby and walking down to our holding - our field really is in good shape today because of this and it is much appreciated! The original programme went totally out of the window - we ate the food at the start to keep ourselves warm, we didn't draw the raffle (far too wet to stand around) and the surprise announcement became a private exchange, (it was in fact Gwenda Jones' generous giving of the MD bust to Steve Smallcombe). Events in Wales and Yorkshire went swimmingly too (though not quite so literally for them) thanks to Zena Cripps, Truda Lansdowne and Esther Howie We feel we have truly celebrated smallholding this weekend - THANK YOU ONE AND ALL |