The Rhea are doing well and our two wobbly ones are definitely less wobby now. We do feel the new diet has made a difference, a feeling borne out by the fact that their poo is looking good too. An explanation is probably needed here.. most bird poo is actual poo and wee combined: a lump of black (the poo) with a smaller lump of white (the wee) attached. We had been seeing more brown, liquidy poo but that is now getting less common, due we are sure, to the new specialist ratite diet!!

Of even more interest is the evening routine where we have begun to observe a rather fascinating behavior. At duck we round all eight rhea up and herd them towards the barn. It’s an interesting experience because they aren’t herd animals and they don’t want to go in!!! More often than not, they have settled themselves on the grass in two or three mini groups with the full expectation of spending the night there. In anticipation of this, the white ones - and it is always the white ones, not the grey – throw bits of soil and leaves and twigs on their backs as they snuggle down. Andy why? Well, our theory is that they are tryinh to camaflauge themselves. The greys all but disappear as they lay down on the grass in the gloom of an evening but the white ones of course are a little like a well-lit beacon!!
All very curious and now we just need to find some literature than can tell us if we are right or not!!!