After finishing the barn, Mike disappeared to do another job but he was back this week to sort our fencing in the 4-acre. The fence running alongside the hedge was no longer fit for purpose and most of the summer, the goats have taken full advantage and been in there browsing. Aside from not wanting them or any of the animals to get out into the 3-acre fields, we also wanted to fence it all properly again in order to allow the hedge to recover – it has become a little bare in places.

In addition, we have split the field in two so we can divide up the stock, rest and rotate better, just as we did with the 6-acre field when we first moved, so making two threes. We have also put a dividing fence in from the Collecting Area so that when you first enter the 4-acre field, there is a wide fenced off corridor. The idea behind this is so that when the cows are in the Collecting Area for the winter, Jack has a livestock-free zone between them and the barn. This will make going back anf forth with the muck truck soo much easier. In addition, we hopr this will also ensure the gateway doesn’t become quite so muddy as all the stock use to congregate there waiting for their hay and feed.
And because Mike is so brilliant at all this and always finishes the job and then some, he also fixed Yeti’s gate at the bottom, which for weeks has been getting harder to open due to a drop and a wobby fence post!!!
We do feel we are ever more set up for the winter – it’s a great feeling!!!