Sunday 30th December 2018

This is Queenie Bantam and her daughter Baby Blue (dad was a Cream Legbar and miraculously she does lay blue eggs). Queenie is our oldest chicken at around 8 years old and we absolutely love her. Each year we breed her 'line' so we now have a granddaughter (Hedgerow Broody - she of the 'chicks in December' fame, see 3rd Dec) and several great granddaughters and great great granddaughters. I find it fascinating that not only are physical characteristics carried down the generations but that temperament is too.
Relaxed at Home
Queenie and her descendants are all rather independent birds but all quiet gentle souls too. They love to perch high and Queenie will sit in my hand (she is tiny) to feed. Queenie and Baby Blue (a rather silly name that stuck) don't often go outside for their corn this time of year so muggins here gives them their own special pile on a table in the poultry stable!! They are of course, very grateful!!!
Check out the turkey eyeing it up!
Relaxed at Home