Relaxed at home
Relaxed at home
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Relaxed at home
Relaxed at home
Relaxed at home

The Relaxed Sheep Flock
Sheep are generally our 'quiet-just-getting-on-with-it' members of the smallholding. They spend their days (and nights) gently grazing, chewing the cud and snoozing. Give them a field of grass and they are happy, although they do like to look at the next field and drop subtle hints about going in there too!
We have just seven sheep now (all pictured in the first two photos): five ewes - three Shetlands: Muckle, Bressay and Whalsay; two BLF/ Gotland crosses, Lemon and Lime; and Chips, a Soay. We also have a castrated male, Master Muckle, one of Muckle's twins from 2020.
We no longer lamb, having taken the decision not to eat meat any more, and so in keeping with the alpacas, our sheep are now highly valued for their fleeces which we process into rugs. Head over to Rugs and Fibre Shop + Commissions to find out more.
Relaxed at Home
Relaxed at Home
Relaxed at Home
Relaxed at Home
Relaxed at Home
Relaxed at Home
Relaxed at Home
Relaxed at Home
Relaxed at Home
Relaxed at Home
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