Relaxed at home
Relaxed at home
Relaxed at home
Relaxed at home
Relaxed at home
Relaxed at home

Beetles Bugs Butterflies Crickets and Grasshoppers Moths
Butterflies 2024 - 59 UK species
Family: Nymphalidae - Nymphalids, Fritillaries and Browns
Meadow Brown (male) - Maniola jurtina
Oak field, common this summer, seen in other fields and in garden
Relaxed at Home
Photographed 21st June 2024
Gatekeeper (male) - Pyronia tithonus
Oak field, common this summer, seen in other fields and in garden
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Photographed 14th July 2024
Ringlet - Aphantopus hyperantus
Oak field, fairly common this summer, mainly seen in this field
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Photographed 17th July 2024
Small Tortoiseshell - Aglais urticae
Poultry paddock, only seen once this summer
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Photographed 25th July 2024
Painted Lady - Vanessa carddui
Garden, on buddleia, only seen a few over 2/3 days
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Photographed 31st July 2024
Peacock - Aglais io
Garden and drive, on buddleias, seen daily for a good week
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Photographed 31st July 2024
Red Admiral - Vanessa Atalanta
Garden and drive, on buddleias, seen daily for two/three weeks
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Photographed 31st July 2024
Speckled Wood - Parage aegeria
Drive, on buddleia and then in garden and fields, several seen
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Photographed 31st July 2024
Family: Pieridae - Whites
Green-veined White - Pieris napi
Common around most of land
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Photographed 17th July 2024
Orange-tip - Anthocharis cardamines
Seen just a few times mid April
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Photographed 17th April 2024
Small White - Pieris rapae
Occassionally seen (plus one hatched in lettuce cage Sept)
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Photographed 5th September 2024
Large White - Pieris brassicae
Common everywhere, especially garden (plus several hatched in lettuce cage Sept)
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Photographed 3rd September 2024
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