Relaxed at home
Relaxed at home
Relaxed at home
Relaxed at home
Relaxed at home
Relaxed at home

Identifying native plants on our land
September 23 October 23 November 23 December 23 January 24 Spring 24 Summer 24
Native plants: Spring 24
In September 23, we gave ourselves the task of finding, identifying and photographing a different wild/native plant from our land every single day.
We planned to do it till the plants ran out, or the days ran out, or we ran out.... whichever came sooner....
We got to mid January 24 just before cold and rain and wind meant we stopped being able to find any new plants on our daily searches and so we stopped looking and promised ourselves to return to the task when spring got going.....
In April 24 we began again, and in addition to finding new plants, we began to photograph as many as we could find in flower. We aim to publish our entire list of plants in family order soon.
(Disclaimer: we are very much amateur botanists and reply on books, the internet and plant apps to help us identify the plants we find, we may not always get it right and are happy to receive feedback on any of the identifications we make.)
Current plant count on our land: = 153 (NEW this spring = 20)
June 15th 2024
Wild Mustard - Rhamphospermum arvense
Poultry paddock
On our land: only in this paddock so far
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June 12th 2024
Pineapple Weed (Wild Chamomile) - Matricaria discoidea
Oak field, just outside field shelter
Only seen in this location so far
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June 7th 2024
Common Comfrey - Chenopodium album
Garden (silver birch border)
Only in this border
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June 2nd 2024
Fat Hen - Chenopodium album
Allotment, on muck heap
On our land: commonality not yet known
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May 29th 2024
Water Manna Grass - Glyceria fluitans
Oak field, in well area
On our land: commonality unknown
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May 28th 2024
Foxglove - Digitalis purpurea alba
Garden (by silver birch)
On our land: just this clump so far
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May 27th 2024
Oval sedge- Carex leporina
Oak field, bottom corner
On our land: commonality not yet known
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May 26th 2024
Sweet Chestnut - Castanea sativa
Oak field
On our land: several planted in Oak field, spring 24
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May 19th 2024
Hornbeam - Carpinus betulus
Oak field
On our land: several planted in Oak field, spring 24
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May 18th 2024
Yellow iris - Iris pseudacorus
Garden Pond
On our land: several in garden
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May 16th 2024
Rough meadow grass - Poa trivialis
On our land: commonality not yet known
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May 12th 2024
Yorkshire fog grass - Holcus lanatus
Oak field
On our land: commonality not yet known
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May 7th 2024
Common bisort - Bistorta officinalis
Garden pond
On our land: only round pond
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May 3rd 2024
Black poplar hybrid?
Green Lane
On our land: just a few in this area
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May 2nd 2024
Hedge bindweed - Calystegia sepium
On our land: common
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April 24th 2024
Marsh marigold - Caltha palustris
Garden, in pond
On our land: just in pond
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April 23rd 2024
Sweet vernal-grass - Anthoxanthum odoratum
Oak field, bottom
On our land: common
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April 16th 2024
Common Bluebell - Hyacinthoides non-scripta
Garden, stable lawn
On our land: common in garden
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April 9th 2024
Meadow foxtail - Alopecurus pratensis
Oak field, near the bottom
On our land: common
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April 2nd 2024
Goat willow - Salix caprea
Fruit Field, inner hedgerow
On our land: quite common
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